how to get rid of roaches without an exterminator
Sometimes calling in the pros is the best option. But what if calling one isn't an option? Because let's face it, calling in the pros is never easy on the wallet. If you're going to do it yourself, do it right and find out how to get rid of roaches without an exterminator.
Roach control can be divided into two approaches, traditional pest control and integrated pest management (IPM). Many exterminators will take the traditional approach, but you can find others who will prefer IPM instead. These are just real brief summaries of each approach, but read through them and figure out which one is most suitable for you. Keep in mind you aren't forced to choose one or the other.
Traditional pest control
The goal of traditional pest control has always been one thing, to get rid of them. Total eradication is the ideal outcome, but it's understood that it's likely impossible. The go to treatment are often man-made chemicals insecticides.
You start out by correctly identifying the pest you are dealing with. Is it really a cockroach? If yes, which types of roaches are you dealing with? Once verified, the correct insecticide is used to kill and control. You spray on a regular basis to kill off the roach population and to prevent future infestation.
Integrated pest management
Also known as integrated pest control (IPC), the belief of IPM is that total eradication is impossible nor economical. Therefore the goal is control.
The first step is to set an action threshold, or a limit of what you think is acceptable. You will only take actions to control if the roaches go beyond your set limit.
Next is identify and monitor. Identify the pest you are dealing with. Identify their behavior, reproduction cycle, and obtain sufficient knowledge of the pest. You also monitor their behavior and population levels. Are you seeing more of them than usual? Are you seeing them during day when they are often nocturnal in nature? Are you seeing them in different areas of the house more and more often? These are just some questions you should be answering.
You can't stay up all night and be in all the rooms at once to monitor their movements and population. Use cockroach traps to aid you. Look at my other post about for some trap ideas.
Prevention is the third action to take. Having identified and obtained knowledge of your pest, use that knowledge to prevent further infestation and help control their numbers. Seal up cracks and crevices, practice clean sanitary practices, fix leaky water sources, etc.
Once you've decided that you need to use control, use a combination of mechanical and chemical control. That means lay out more traps and use insecticides. Use natural materials first. Then use the synthetic stuff as a last resort if the natural stuff didn't produce the desired results.
No matter which approach you choose, insecticide is the preferred way of controlling roaches in both traditional treatment and ipm.
Natural insecticides:
• Boric acid
• Borax
• Baking soda
• Pyrethrin (from the chrysanthemum flower). Attacks the nervous system of bugs that comes in contact with it. Being organic, it breaks down quickly when exposed to light or oxygen.
Synthetic insecticides:
• Pyrethroid. Man-made version of pyrethrin. Does not break down fast like natural counterpart. Cheaper in larger quantities. Includes cypermethrin, allethrin, and deltamethrin.
• Insect growth regulators (IGR). Active ingredient is Hydroprene, etc. which are hormone mimics. They interrupt molting because juvenile hormones must be gone before they can molt to become adults. No molting means they are unable to become adults and reproduce. Also causes eggs to become sterile.
Check out the other articles on how to get rid of cockroaches for more information on how to control their numbers.
Regardless of which approach you choose to take, consistency and persistence is critical to successfully getting rid of roaches without having to hire an exterminator.
Photo credit: Matt Reinbold
how to get rid of roaches without an exterminator
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